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June 22, 2011

One Thing I Hate About You

There are very few things that I absolutelypositivelyunquestioningly  HATE. But, this is one of those few things.

No, I'm not saying I hate LeBron James. Because I don't. In fact, I think he has more raw potential than any other NBA player. I think he lacks just two things: maturity and discipline.

That being said, I still don't hate LeBron James. I hate this flop. It epitomizes a lack of respect for the game that is evident in every single flop in professional sports today.

Jeff Van Gundy actually does a commendable job of briefly mentioning the importance of ridding flops from this beautiful game. However, I can't let Jeff Van Gundy get the last word.

So, this post is just an elaboration with visual aids.

Dictionary.com defines the word for us so well:

verb, flopped, flop·ping, noun –verb (used without object)
1. to fall or plump down suddenly, especially with noise; drop or turn with a sudden bump or thud (sometimes followed by down): The puppy flopped down on the couch.
2. to change suddenly, as from one side or party to another (often followed by over).
3. to be a complete failure; fail: The play flopped dismally.

These definitions are surprisingly accurate, even when applied to sporting events. Here are some illustrations of the above definitions:

1. to fall or plump down suddenly, especially with noise

2. to change suddenly, as from one side or party to another

3. to be a complete failure; fail

After watching those, you may have a few more questions or concerns about flopping. For those of you who are new to this tragic topic, I provided you with a set of hypothetical questions followed with my answers for the convenience of your curiosity.

Flopping Q & A

Q: "So, what's the big deal? Who cares if someone flops?"
A: The big deal is--it's not a part of the game. Violently throwing your own body to the ground has never been a component of any sport. The real crime is when a player is rewarded for flopping with a penalty kick or free throws, which can quickly, and unjustly, change the outcome of a game.

Q: "Which sport is flopping the worst in?"
A: Football (soccer for Americans) is definitely the worst. However, it is quickly emerging as a greater issue in basketball too.

Q: "What is the solution to preventing players from flopping?"
A: Fine them for starters, then suspend them if they continue to flop. Each flop should be reviewable upon the conclusion of a game. After reaching a certain number of "flop fines" per season/post-season that player should be suspended from a game.

The Atrocious: The fact that athletes as talented as LeBron James still feel like they have to sell foul calls and get cheap buckets.
The Truth: Flopping should be more embarrassing to the players. It shows disrespect for the game and it is frustrating to watch for any basketball fan. European football leagues actually penalize players for taking dives, but until the NBA starts doing the same, it will continue to be a growing problem in basketball.

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