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July 09, 2015

6 Thoughts About the DeAndre Jordan Deal...or No Deal

You may see much of this coming, but this is a necessary coping mechanism that I must indulge. 

Surely, you've already heard this story: DeAndre Jordan verbally agreed to sign a four year contract (worth 80M total) with the Dallas Mavericks on July 1st, 2015:

Later, according to multiple reports, he called Doc Rivers and a few other members of the Clippers organization to express interest in staying in LA. The Clippers contingency (Doc Rivers, Chris Paul, Blake Griffin and Paul Pierce among others) immediately organized, mobilized and converged onto DeAndre's home in Houston, TX. Once they arrived, they decided that they wouldn't leave until the 26 year old had officially put pen to paper at 12:01 AM on July 9th - the earliest a free agent can officially sign a contract in 2015.

To be honest, the fact that he decided to stay in Los Angeles isn't that surprising or distasteful. However, he did plenty during this week that will cost him his reputation in his home state for the rest of his career. Thus, leading me to post these six thoughts about the resigned #6 for Los Angeles:

1. By verbally committing to Dallas a week earlier, the Mavericks had set aside the necessary funds to accommodate his mega-contract. Obviously, hind-sight is 20-20, but if Dallas had known DeAndre would be staying in LA, it's pretty logical to assume that Tyson Chandler would have a marching contract offer to keep him in Dallas instead of allowing him a free ride to Pheonix. Would that fix everything? No. But, the Mavericks would have some sort of direction and consolation. Instead of staring at a house on fire...which will keep on burning...for a while.

2. This is a huge one for me. After deciding to spurn the Mavericks, Jordan refused to even answer the phone calls that were coming in from Mark Cuban, Chandler Parsons and the like. It is one thing to stab the franchise in the back, but it is completely pathetic when you don't have the balls to face the music and acknowledge the wreckage you created. Again, he wastes the time and energy of a party willing to invest their future and their resources into him.

3. Everyone loves a conspiracy theory. What if this was the play all along. It really has to make you wonder...are the Clippers that stupid. Would they let their star center walk away while their best players are off on vacation or did they take the trips because they knew it was all under control?

4. All of the Dallas haters are rejoicing with comments about how Dirk is done, Cuban is terrible, etc. Do these people have no memory of the Clippers roster, or their owner? Chris Paul had never won anything of significance and the same can be said about Blake Griffin. As for the owner...y'all might remember hearing about the sterling reputation of the Sterling family. You remember Donald, right? The racist owner whose wife now owns the Clippers and continues to profit off of the franchise? Say what you will about your dislike for Cuban's passion, but his passion is rooted in a love for his team and in the success of his organizations, whereas the Sterling's passion is rooted in hate for those who are different.

5. A man's word is his bond. Don't act like he is a kid anymore at 26. Think before you speak, and back up your words with your actions. Respect will be earned as a result. We have been spoiled by professionals like Dirk, in this regard.

6. I am a MFFL and I was dying to see what we could do with another center in his prime. The first year Tyson Chandler played for Dallas was 2011. He may have had stronger stat sheets in New Orleans, but he was the first true defensive center I had seen play with Dirk. 2011, of course, just happens to be the first, and only, NBA Championship the Mavericks have captured. Now, along with MFFL's everywhere, I'll always wonder what could have been.

Again, it isn't terribly surprising to see DeAndre Jordan choose to stay in Los Angeles with the Clippers. But, there are certain qualities and characteristics that true professionals exude in the free agency process. I will forever hate that DeAndre turned a cold shoulder to a new opportunity and a supporting cast that truly believed in his ability to create positive change in an already successful organization. Even further, it disgusts me that Dallas fans will have to watch their team scramble to fill the hole left by this man who didn't have the decency to answer the phone and respectfully decline the Dallas offer.

The Clippers were a team that I considered fun to watch last year. I even found myself cheering for them against the Spurs. My, how those tables have turned!

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